Rolf Wölk
The algorithmic graphics created by Rolf Wölk explore the aesthetics of coincidence.
As Herbert W. Franke wrote in »Computer-Grafik Galerie« the perceptibility of the algorithm, the generative process, in the graphic is important to Wölk.
All graphics presented here were generated and printed for Johann Willsberger´s book »Computer Graphics«, some of the them were also presented in other publications listed as reference.
The works presented below are available.
# 08-02-029
»Element chains oriented
stochastically I«
»Element chains oriented
stochastically II«
Rolf Wölk, 1972
offset print after plotter drawing
Published in:
IBM (Ed.): Computerkunst (I)
The series »Element chains oriented stochastically« is based on random numbers.
They influence the directions and the expansion of the chain formations - of line sections (I, II, IV), semicircles (III) or squares in parallel projections (VI).
# 08-02-030
»Element chains oriented
stochastically III«
»Element chains oriented
stochastically IV«
Rolf Wölk, 1972
offset print after plotter drawing
Published in:
IBM (Ed.): Computerkunst (III)
In graphic V a random number generator determines the position of a hundred points. An interpolation process is applied connecting a pair of arcs from point to point.
Probabilities influenced the expansion of the linear graphs in graphic VII.
Coincidence is implanted in the algorithm by random numbers, which the computer chooses »freely«, randomly during the calculation process.
# 08-02-031
»Element chains oriented
stochastically V«
»Element chains oriented
stochastically VI«
Rolf Wölk, 1972
offset print after plotter drawing
Published in:
Franke: Computer-Grafik Galerie (VI)
Stochastic processes are the topic of many of Wölk´s algorithmic works. The graphically manifested algorithms display the aesthetics of coincidence in a well planned and at the same time random way, which goes far beyond random experiments.
# 08-02-032
»Element chains oriented
stochastically VII«
Rolf Wölk, 1972
offset print after plotter drawing
Published in:
Franke: Computer-Grafik Galerie
The next series »Elements subjected to perspectives« senses the visual field of an observer positioned vertically above a plane of cubes or spheres fixing his gaze on the center or a corner of the plane. Elements outside the center of his visual field tend to distort.
# 08-02-007
»Elements subjected to perspectives I«
»Elements subjected to perspectives II«
Rolf Wölk, 1972
offset print after plotter drawing
Published in:
II: see screen print below
# 08-02-008
»Elements subjected to perspectives III«
Rolf Wölk, 1972
offset print after plotter drawing
Published in:
Prints from this series, like many other works of the project group, were on display at »tendencies 5« 1973 in Zagreb, Croatia (formerly Yugoslavia). Therefore »Elements subjected to perspectives II« was also shown as a screen print in the 2008/09 exhibition »bit international« at ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany.
# 08-01-008
»Elements subjected to perspectives II«
Rolf Wölk, 1972
screen print after plotter drawing
Published in:
Weibel/Rosen (Ed.): Bit international
Rosen(Ed.): A Little-Known Story ...
Besides the »MBB Computer Graphics« project, Rolf Wölk worked on other mainframe art projects between 1970 and 1974.
As a brilliant mathematician he explored different algorithms and proved to be a true computer experimentalist.
His works stand for the era of mainframe experimentalism and are outstanding in their artistic expression.
Rolf Wölk:
Families of random tangents to circles, around 1972
two machine drawings on transparent paper, signed
each 42.5 x 42.5 cm
Rolf Wölk:
Rows of randomly twisted linear elements, 1971/1972
two machine drawings on transparent paper, signed
each 46.5 x 46.5 cm
This plot is part of a series Wölk worked on in 1971 and 1972.
Graphics of this work group were published in the book Computer Graphics in 1972 and a few were edited in silk screen editions.
Artist profile
Rolf Wölk
Born 1939 in Vienna, Austria, studied mathematics and physics, 1966 Dr. phil. nat. in abstract mathematics, since 1966 member of the EDP department at MBB, 1971–1972 member of MBB Computer Graphics art project, lives in Munich, Germany
Participated in Exhibitions:
Two »Computer Graphics« exhibitions in the course of the cultural program of the Olympic Games in Munich, Germany 1972
»tendencies 5« Section Computer Visual Research, MSU Zagreb, Croatia (formerly Yugoslavia), 1973
»Ex Machina – Frühe Computergrafik bis 1979« Kunsthalle Bremen, Germany, 2007
»bit international. [Nove] tendencije. Computer und visuelle Forschung Zagreb 1961-1973« Neue Galerie Graz at Landesmuseum Joanneum, Austria, 2007
»bit international« ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany, 2008-2009
Work publicized in:
Computer Graphics. Edited by Johann Willsberger (1972)
Computerkunst. Edited by IBM Deutschland GmbH (1978)
Computer-Grafik Galerie by Herbert W. Franke (1984)
Ex Machina – Frühe Computergrafik bis 1979. Edited by Wulf Herzogenrath und Barbara Nierhoff-Wielk. (2007)
bit international. [Nove] tendencije. Computer und visuelle Forschung Zagreb 1961-1973. Edited by Neue Galerie Graz (2007)
bit international. [Nove] tendencije. Computer und visuelle Forschung Zagreb 1961-1973. Edited by Peter Weibel und Margit Rosen. (ZKM, 2008)
A Little-Known Story about a Movement... Edited by Margit Rosen (2011)