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Available Works

... the available works page
gives an overview and links.

Eingang »Available Works«

         art ex machina (georg nees)         


The Blog 01

... on the New Golden Age of Art
and the messages of the
Dutch Golden Age.

Eingang »The Golden Age«

    computer art print (frank boettger)     


The Blog 02

... on tapestry and digital art, and
on machine revolutions.

Eingang »Textiles and Computers«

    computer art tapestry (frieder nake)     


Pioneer Work: Georg Nees

... see prints of Nees early
generative computer art,
generated between 1965 and 1970.

Eingang »Pionierarbeit: Georg Nees«

      detail plastik 1 print (georg nees)      


Pioneer Work: Frieder Nake

... see some of Frieder Nake's
early works.

Eingang »Pioneer Work: Frieder Nake«

      detail hommage à paul klee (nake)      


Pioneer Work: Herbert W. Franke

Exploring new worlds and
new perspectives was Herbert W.
Franke's passion and art:
See the visual art of a
notoriously curious human...

Eingang »Pioneer Work: Herbert W. Franke«

      detail squares (herbert w. franke)      


Pioneer Work: Manfred Mohr

... research, experiment, art.
Catch a glimpse of Manfed Mohr's work
from his early algorithmic inscriptions
to the carved out projections
of multidimensional constructions.

Eingang »Pioneer Work: Manfred Mohr«

         scratch ode (manfred mohr)         


red 40+1

The »red« edition was a brain child
of Max Bense, a significant theorist of
information aesthetics and supporter
of early computer art.
On display ist the first decade of
the edition, including important
publications on computer art.
Plus a list of the 40+1.

Enter »red 40+1«

  georg nees/computer/max bense: #19   



The Cybernetic Serendipity exhibition
held in London 1968 was the first
major show dedicated to computer art.
See seven authentic prints of iconic
computer graphics presented in this
legendary exhibition.

Enter »Serendipity!«

      the cybernetic serendipity catalogue      


Zomerzegel 1970

R. D. E. Oxenaar designed the yearly
summer stamp edition 1970 for the Netherlands.
For the first time computer graphics
were used as a stamp motif.

Entrance »Zomerzegel 1970«

    r. d. e. oxenaar: motif zomerzegel    


Computer Art 1972

A group of computer graphic specialists
and an artist created a variety of
computer graphics in 1971/72.
See their algorithmic works which are
brilliant examples of early
mainframe experimentalism.

Special: Rolf Wölk

Enter »Computer Art 1972«

  frank boettger: nonlinear interpolation IV   



The computer graphic »Kubo-Oktaeder«
is a co-production of computer art pioneer
Georg Nees and architect Ludwig Rase.
The motif is a symbol for the introduction of
the computer in the world of architecture.

Enter »Kubo-Oktaeder«

       detail kubo-oktaeder print (rase-nees)       


Machine Art

Will machines take over the art
world? In 1972 computer artists
entered the official art market
by the help of a Canadian gallerist and
editeur, Gilles Gheerbrant.
His »Art Ex Machina« edition
was a milestone for computer art...

Eingang »Machinenkunst«

         art ex machina portfolio 1972          


Check out our available works page and the blog.
More about the online gallery and computer art.

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Copyright Heike Werner
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